This application needs a lot of work to come near the 42 games of East Texas that I now play with my young grandchildren in Southern California. The big problems I see: (1) the program is designed to play down all the trumps first. When you and your partner are the only ones holding trumps, this is often a losing strategy. (2) Bidding low is a sure win here because your opponents consistently and inexplicably lead high cards, especially doubles. They clearly do not get the point? (3) Not being able to call doubles a separate suit when you bid low makes the game less challenging. (4) Why do players randomly throw out points to the opponents when theres no reason? I love playing 42, so this is better than nothing. Not much though. Ive cautioned my grandchildren not to play because it instills sloppy habits. Keep working on it folks.
Klondike Style about Dominos-42, v1.9